WATCH: Osman Faruqi ATTACKS the wrong women

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Osman Faruqi has come under fire for attacking a photo of female journalists.

In a tweet, Faruqi wrote,

“now this is what I call people of colour on Television”.

It didn’t take long for one of the journalists in the photo to respond to Osman Faruqi, pointing out that she’s half Malaysian and one of the other women in the picture happens to be Sri Lankan.

Osman tried denying the apparent attack on their racial diversity, but his colleagues were not having a bar of it.

Meanwhile, his mother, Greens Senator Mehreen Faruqi, tweeted a similar attack on the media at the same time.

Too bad the photo her son attacked proves otherwise. Two of six women in the picture were people of colour, that’s 33%. People of colour only make up approx 24% of our population. So, it turns out people of colour “appear MORE as soon as we turn on the TV”.

The thing is, Osman and his mum think they speak for people of colour in Australia.

They don’t.

The vast majority of us cannot stand their race-baiting.